Fran Trento, Frame Finland, January 2023
A few remarks can already be made concerning policy change recommendations in the Frame Finland. A strong focus of the Islands of Kinship project is modalities of kinship outside familial values.
The institution must think about facilitating our residents/curators, who have multiple partners, for instance. Multiple children’s raisers, collective mothering, non-familial modes of togetherness. Other potential recommendations concerning the hiring practices follow.
Hiring practices (to be discussed with Frame´s staff during social responsibility day 01.02.2023)
Development of an anti-ableism manual for hiring and working practices.
To avoid describing “existing vacancies using generic job descriptions that prioritise generic ‘baseline skills’ such as ‘team-working’ or ‘communication’ skills as opposed to ‘specialised skills that are specific and relevant to the job role (Hurley-Hanson et al., 2020)
The usage of the “good communication skills” term is by itself ableist, as it understands that there is one kind of “social skills” that is accepted.
Suggestions: “(1) removing reference to non-essential skills in job descriptions; (2) making interview questions less ambiguous (cf. Maras et al., 2021) (3) providing clear documentation regarding the tasks that candidates will complete, the time the hiring process will take, and who will be involved and (4) providing clear deadlines regarding when candidates will hear the outcome of the hiring process.” (Davies, J., Heasman, B., Livesey, A., Walker, A., Pellicano, E., & Remington, A. (2023). Access to employment: A comparison of autistic, neurodivergent and neurotypical adults’ experiences of hiring processes in the United Kingdom. Autism, 13623613221145376.