
IOK Podcast #5: Interview with artist duo Eloïse Bonneviot & Anne de Boer


The fifth episode of the ⁠⁠⁠⁠Islands of Kinship⁠⁠⁠⁠ podcast introduces the art practice of the French – Dutch, Berlin based artist duo of Eloïse Bonneviot & Anne de Boer. In conversation with the curator Veronika Čechová from Jindřich Chalupecký Society the artists speak about the Prague iteration of the art installation commissioned within the IOK project: A devoured hedge burrows deep II and the general principals of their joined long-term, eco-oriented art practice.

First introduced at the Gallery of National Library of Technology, Czech Republic the exhibition featuring several live participative game sessions took place in spring 2024, the project then evolved further into a realization titled All of The Critters produced by Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany, happening in July 2024.

This episode was produced by ⁠Jindřich Chalupecký Society⁠.