Anne de Boer and Eloïse Bonneviot


Two projects A devoured hedge burrows deep II and All of the Critters of artist duo Anne de Boer and Eloïse Bonneviot used a hybrid digital / analogue game environment to address the ecological challenges faced by the cities of Cologne and Prague through a changing climate. As the city is heating up, how can we imagine its future as resilient instead of reactive towards these changes? How do these challenges materialize for the local citizens and the specifics of Cologne/Prague ecosystems? In the game the participants can inhabit other than human characters, based on the different actants in Cologne’s/Prague’s urban environments.  

Commissioned under the topic Beyond Ecology, presented as part of exhibitions:

A devoured hedge burrows deep II, The National Library of Technology (NTK), April 18 – May 2, 2024, organized by Jindřich Chalupecký Society

All of the Critters, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany, July 20 – July 28, 2024, organized by Temporary Gallery