During the workshop, we will try to identify new language territories, which can help us to describe the contemporary world – the world of things.
We will be using language from all kinds of biotopes – from anglicisms, neologisms, scientific lingo to advertising slang, cosmopolitan cant and location-specific vernacular. We will try to precisely describe the sounds, textures, images, movements and the inanimate objects. Or are they not so lifeless?
Workshop will be held in Slovak and led by Katarína Pirháčová, a literary scholar and critic based in Bratislava. In 2018 and 2019 she participated in the literary workshop Medziriadky. Currently she is a student of english and slovak philology and writes reviews for various local magazines such as Knižná Revue, Glosolália, plav.sk (Platform for literature and research) a artalk.cz. Her works were selected for the Kritická ročenka 2022 (Critical review 2023).
Free entry but the capacity is limited. Save your place here.
In case you register, but can not make it, let us know via info@juliuskollersociety.org or +421 919 495 081.
The program will be followed by the guided tour of the current exhibition Family Affairs with curators Jana Písaříková and Ondřej Chrobák. Find more informantion here.
The event is a part of the U.F.O. (sUstainable-Feminist-Operation) series under the international project Islands of Kinship: a Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions, co-financed by the European Union.