As a society we are facing a number of crises at the same time – the pandemic, widening differences between social classes, climate crisis, the extinction of species. How to solve them?
As a society we are facing a number of crises at the same time – the pandemic, widening differences between social classes, climate crisis, the extinction of species. How to solve them? To create a better future, we first need to imagine one. During the workshop you will learn why our imagination is in crisis and what can we do to realize it better. This will be done by exercising our „muscles“ of imagination and visualization. Afterwards, we will learn how to formulate our experience and implement it in our daily life and community – for better future.
Workshop will be held in Slovak and led by Katarína Kováčová, who works as a teacher of global education at NaZemi, an organization concerned with the economical concept of degrowth and its promotion in the Czech society. Last year she worked on a booklet „Odvaha nerůst“ (The Bravery to Degrow), dedicated to educational workers. She also participates in the eco-activist movement, where she divides her time between Re-set, an organization fighting against fossil businesses, and Limity Jsme My (We Are The Limits), collective which attempts to impose climate justice via a civil disobedience.
The event is a part of the U.F.O. (sUstainable-Feminist-Operation) series under the international project Islands of Kinship: a Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions, co-financed by the European Union.